Kindred spirits living 4,166.94 miles apart. Each spending their days in the simplicity of life. Wives and mothers in love with their family. Each with a passion for photography. Not just any photography but life photography. They do not work with fancy backdrops and artificial posing. They simply capture their day as it unfolds. Natural lighting, beautiful messy faces of a child, dirty counters, amazing sunsets, smudged windows and life adventures. Family and friendship. Here you will have the opportunity to peek into the lives of these two seelenschwesters. Enjoy~

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

So this is LOVE

 I press my lips upon your innocent soft forehead and  my heart whelps with LOVE.
This love has only occurred in my heart as a mother. This love is a gift. A gift the Lord placed in my heat the moment he placed you in my womb. The Love of a mother and her child is one of the most precious loves of all. How blessed I am to carry this Love~
~Catherine Anne

So...this is love!! I love the way your curls dance gracefully across your cheeks....and I love how the morning light outlines your beautiful face....but most of all I love you!
~Amanda Moseley-Harris
Thank you to my dear photography friend Amanda for sharing some of her amazing work along with beautiful words about her sweet daughter.

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