Kindred spirits living 4,166.94 miles apart. Each spending their days in the simplicity of life. Wives and mothers in love with their family. Each with a passion for photography. Not just any photography but life photography. They do not work with fancy backdrops and artificial posing. They simply capture their day as it unfolds. Natural lighting, beautiful messy faces of a child, dirty counters, amazing sunsets, smudged windows and life adventures. Family and friendship. Here you will have the opportunity to peek into the lives of these two seelenschwesters. Enjoy~

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Slow Start, Moring Rise

Friend, do you ever just feel like this -------------------------------------->    in the morning?  I will admit right now, with no shame or restraint, I am NOT a morning person.  That being said, one of my favorite times of day is sunrise.  The few handful of times I am up, on my own accord, before anybody else, and get to lay in my bed and watch the sunrise out my window is one of my life's great pleasures.  But in my day to day reality, the alarm is too soon, the sleep to short and broken, and my get up and go juice is on empty until about an hour or so after I am up.  I am not a coffee person, I don't have anything in the morning that gets me going, other than the knowledge that E has be to at school by a certain time.  I have never been a morning person, but I love the peace, promise, and light sunrise brings.  I think my Old Man Bernie is mocking my morning face here, I am not sure though, I thought I might have heard Dooley chuckle at it though.  ~ Leah Garland

Seelenschwester, your words could be my own. Once more the seelenschwester in us has shown to be true. Even down to the natural inner clock each of us carry. I too am a night owl, with a love for the sunrise. Once or twice a month I wake to enjoy this foreign time of day. The morning dew and  the days first light shine upon my face. There is a newness in the air, an optimism to start again. I sadly do not enjoy this enough.  As I posted before, It's morning I  roll over wondering what the clock will say and just how many hours my mind allowed me to sleep. This is where we are different, I crawl out of bed in search of my coffee.  Sometimes  I question the severity of this addiction. Then I say who cares, I will think about that in my next chapter. You know the chapter of simplified days that fill my heart of memories created today. Even then I'm sure I will be rekindling those memories over a warm cup of Jo. So yes, on my average morning I do carry this look upon Old Man Bernie's face.
~Catherine Anne                        

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Buggy Bug

On this day we played. The sun was shinning and the wind was blowing. A perfect day to hang my sheets. While clothes pinning I here excitement and giggles. My little ones have a friend for me to meet. Housing him in an apple basket they each come up with a name. Buggy-bug needs grass and water, tonight we will let him go free. The simplicity of joy in the hearts of my children reassure me I'm where I'm meant to be. ~ Catherine Anne

My friend, I imagine that when you were laying the sheets out to dry, I was laying the tuckered out boys to bed.  We had had a fun filled day at the Hitcherhof Kurbisfest, AKA, Pumpkin Festival. There is nothing I like more than pumpkins and fest.  It was a wonderful warm day, warmer than most we saw this summer.  We strolled through all the vendors, took in the smells of fresh flammkuchen, wurst, and oodles of pumpkiny goodness.  The highlight for the boys was the HUGE corn maze, it was all they could talk about the drive there and days before.  As they bounded in it didn't take long for them to find the smallest thing to stop for, Mr. Stinky Stink Bug.  Luckily they have learned that Stinky Stink Bugs do in fact, stink, so they will look but not touch.  In all the festivities around them, it amazes me how they are able to stop and admire one of Gods littlest guests to the party. ~ Leah Garland

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Our Day

Today was like most days, I rolled over wondering what the clock would say and just how many hours my mind allowed me to sleep. I crawled out of my warm bed into worn yoga pants and a sweater. Cozy in my chair I enjoy  coffee and prayer. Making breakfast and finishing up last nights dishes, I wake the kids. Over breakfast we recalled our dreams and shared thoughts for the day. Breaking away I take a moment to myself for blogging and emails. The kids run free greeting the morning air. Before long I hear excitement arriving on the porch. Walking out to see, I am handed our first warm brown egg of the season... It is cupped safely in the hands of my Sunshine. My girl that wears garden dirt and sparkles on each of her nails. Today was like most days, as we are gifted with simple charms that make the day, Our day.  ~ Catherine Anne

First off, I adore her nails, love how she keeps up with the boys and the outdoors, but always with the most beautiful touch of femininity.  Our days here seem to go so fast.  I think it is because it is a reality to me that my sweet sweet first born, the baby that had to be held constantly day and night, is growing into his own.  I grasp to each kiss, glance, hug, ask for help.  He is learning not to be a toddler, but to be a boy, a young man, all the way down to his shoelaces.  Everyday when I see him run to his school, I hold on to the glance back I get with the big toothy grin and his ' I Love You' sign waving so proud at me and the prideful yell of " I LOVE YOU MOM!  SEE YOU AT LUNCH TIME!  LOVE YOU, BYE!" . I know that one morning it will be the last one.  I hope it isn't soon.               ~ Leah Garland

Sunday, September 18, 2011


Here you will find a small window into our months apart.
How have you been, dear friend?

   Oh how I have missed you my friend!
 The first thing I thought of when I got my iPhoto fixed was FINALLY I can get back here! I have missed it so very much and have missed the daily connections we share here. Our summer here has gone quickly it seems. It was E's last summer before he started first grade. Nick blew his knee in a soccer game at the end of May so he spend all summer doing PT to get it ready for the surgery he had about two weeks ago now. We took a few trips, the photo is from my favorite one of the summer. We went to Utrecht, it is a city in the Netherlands. I adore the city, it is my favorite get a way. We had a blast for the short time we were there. This was one morning after breakfast on the canal that was our front step for the apartment we stayed at while there. It was so wonderful to sit with my boys and just watch the boats go by, waving at them all, watching the ducks, just soaking up every moment of just being. I have been so blessed with two boys that love each other so much and want to share everything in their lives with each other. The best thing that they share though, is the quiet moments. The moments where they both just sit together and share simple moments together. They say so much without saying a word in theses moments.
~ Leah Garland

When it rains it pours, that's what they say.
    In the past few months this has shown to be true. 
   Although the harder rain has brought shaken comfort, losses, illnesses, worries and uneasy change, we have stuck it out, we have grown closer to Christ and one another. As we must remember our crosses are our gift to find comfort in him.
   Even with all the rain there have been rays of sunshine. These days were gifts of  love, laughter, music and dance.
    Sticky faces, eskimo kisses, cuddles till noon, new adventures found, contentment, rest, simplicity and thankfulness. 
       When it rains and it pours pull out an umbrella, splash in the puddles, wait for the rainbow and  dance in the rain~
Catherine Anne