Seelenschwester, your words could be my own. Once more the seelenschwester in us has shown to be true. Even down to the natural inner clock each of us carry. I too am a night owl, with a love for the sunrise. Once or twice a month I wake to enjoy this foreign time of day. The morning dew and the days first light shine upon my face. There is a newness in the air, an optimism to start again. I sadly do not enjoy this enough. As I posted before, It's morning I roll over wondering what the clock will say and just how many hours my mind allowed me to sleep. This is where we are different, I crawl out of bed in search of my coffee. Sometimes I question the severity of this addiction. Then I say who cares, I will think about that in my next chapter. You know the chapter of simplified days that fill my heart of memories created today. Even then I'm sure I will be rekindling those memories over a warm cup of Jo. So yes, on my average morning I do carry this look upon Old Man Bernie's face.
~Catherine Anne