Kindred spirits living 4,166.94 miles apart. Each spending their days in the simplicity of life. Wives and mothers in love with their family. Each with a passion for photography. Not just any photography but life photography. They do not work with fancy backdrops and artificial posing. They simply capture their day as it unfolds. Natural lighting, beautiful messy faces of a child, dirty counters, amazing sunsets, smudged windows and life adventures. Family and friendship. Here you will have the opportunity to peek into the lives of these two seelenschwesters. Enjoy~

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Slow Start, Moring Rise

Friend, do you ever just feel like this -------------------------------------->    in the morning?  I will admit right now, with no shame or restraint, I am NOT a morning person.  That being said, one of my favorite times of day is sunrise.  The few handful of times I am up, on my own accord, before anybody else, and get to lay in my bed and watch the sunrise out my window is one of my life's great pleasures.  But in my day to day reality, the alarm is too soon, the sleep to short and broken, and my get up and go juice is on empty until about an hour or so after I am up.  I am not a coffee person, I don't have anything in the morning that gets me going, other than the knowledge that E has be to at school by a certain time.  I have never been a morning person, but I love the peace, promise, and light sunrise brings.  I think my Old Man Bernie is mocking my morning face here, I am not sure though, I thought I might have heard Dooley chuckle at it though.  ~ Leah Garland

Seelenschwester, your words could be my own. Once more the seelenschwester in us has shown to be true. Even down to the natural inner clock each of us carry. I too am a night owl, with a love for the sunrise. Once or twice a month I wake to enjoy this foreign time of day. The morning dew and  the days first light shine upon my face. There is a newness in the air, an optimism to start again. I sadly do not enjoy this enough.  As I posted before, It's morning I  roll over wondering what the clock will say and just how many hours my mind allowed me to sleep. This is where we are different, I crawl out of bed in search of my coffee.  Sometimes  I question the severity of this addiction. Then I say who cares, I will think about that in my next chapter. You know the chapter of simplified days that fill my heart of memories created today. Even then I'm sure I will be rekindling those memories over a warm cup of Jo. So yes, on my average morning I do carry this look upon Old Man Bernie's face.
~Catherine Anne                        


StoicBirth said...

LOVE IT! Is that your sunrise from today? Looks just like ours we have had everyday this week. Something I never get used to here is the way the sun varies in its arrival and departure. Even though it is just the start of autumn it does not appear until 730 and within a few weeks it will be after 8 before the sunrises, and it will be pitch dark at 5.

Catherine Anne said...

I like it. Anna.