Kindred spirits living 4,166.94 miles apart. Each spending their days in the simplicity of life. Wives and mothers in love with their family. Each with a passion for photography. Not just any photography but life photography. They do not work with fancy backdrops and artificial posing. They simply capture their day as it unfolds. Natural lighting, beautiful messy faces of a child, dirty counters, amazing sunsets, smudged windows and life adventures. Family and friendship. Here you will have the opportunity to peek into the lives of these two seelenschwesters. Enjoy~

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Six, Seven, Eight and Nine Days of Thanks

Day six, Nature walks-
Day seven, Autumn (my favorite season of all)-
 Day eight, Colors of nature that today fill my world-
Day nine, The wind blowing across the hayfield, as autumn leaves dance on past.

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