Kindred spirits living 4,166.94 miles apart. Each spending their days in the simplicity of life. Wives and mothers in love with their family. Each with a passion for photography. Not just any photography but life photography. They do not work with fancy backdrops and artificial posing. They simply capture their day as it unfolds. Natural lighting, beautiful messy faces of a child, dirty counters, amazing sunsets, smudged windows and life adventures. Family and friendship. Here you will have the opportunity to peek into the lives of these two seelenschwesters. Enjoy~

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A Month of Thanks

Is there anything to be more thankful for than God's promises to us?

There is so much about this time of year I just adore.  I love all the seasons and what they each offer, and I used to think I liked spring more than fall, given it was a close race, but I am now sure that fall is my favorite.  Yes, it is Mother Nature welcoming in the winters cold and harsh days, but it is also the season that is everything comforting.  The amazing colors, the way that everything from the farmers to the woodland animals are rushing to prepare for the blasts of winter.  The smell of crisp cold air and the way that all the warmth of the season of smoke from chimneys, warm drinks, the rush of feeling home when you walk inside and smell the hearty food of winter, it can cut through the dark cold. The anticipation of family being together though is what sealed it for me and made it my favorite time of year.  
So this month, my dear friend and I, we give thanks.  If you are anything like me, which lets face it, I think you are, I am overwhelmed everyday in thanks.  I catch my self being thankful far more than not, and I am grateful for that attribute in myself.  Let see if we can capture a picture a day for one of the many things that make us stop and say, "God is just so, SO good!".

1 comment:

Catherine Anne said...

Yes, he is so good! and once more we are the same my dear.... Fall is my fav of all:)